Posted On28 Jun 2023
Constructionline accreditation confirmed!
We are delighted to have been awarded our first accreditation with Constructionline!
Not only have WARM been accredited with Constructionline Silver, we have also been accredited with Constructionline Social Value Certification!
“We are really pleased to have been awarded this industry-recognised accreditation. It demonstrates the professional standing of WARM as a company and the process itself has also helped us identify how we can refine our current procedures and policies further” Helen Bennett - WARM Practice Manager
Constructionline status is an industry standard widely recognised by the UK construction industry, with all accredited contractors and consultants listed on its own online register.
Silver Certification
To achieve the Silver Certification we had to pass the rigorous verification process, including; core policy checks, proof of financial standing, a thorough examination of our health and safety procedures and our in-house accreditations.
The benefits of the silver certification include improved procurement efficiency and reduction in the amount of time prequalifying for projects.
Social Value Certification
WARM has also been awarded the coveted Constructionline Social Value Certification which recognises our impact, not only within our own practice, but within the wider community by demonstrating that we meet the requirements of all categories under ‘social value’, including Equality & Diversity and Environmental Management.
You can find out more about Constructionline awards and view our accredited listing on the portal by visiting the Constructionline website.